Friday, May 28, 2010

The Posey-Strader Reunion

The Posey-Strader Reunion
July 31, 2010
11 a.m.
Lewis County Park in Weston, WV.

aBring a covered dish
aDoor prizes
aReunion Meeting
aFind some cousins

All Strader or Posey Family Members
with ancestors from West Virginia or Old Virginia, and other Straders or Poseys are invited.

**Please bring any copies of mementos, family pictures, newspaper clippings of achievements, etc. to Tricia Strader, family historan, to share. Tricia is trying to compile a good database and scrapbooks of the family from current generations on back to our ancestors.
The reunion was begun many generations ago, and it is important we carry it on in their memory, and for our children and their children.