Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Horse Trading Center of the Universe

The Awakening
Early on Friday mornings, Orlando area farmers with strings of three or four horses descended on downtown Orlando. Large trucks, rare in that day, full of horses, pulled into Orlando and discharged their four footed cargo into the street in front of Mike Moran’s Warehouse Building. There was excitement in the air. Young boys had eagerly awaited the event which had become a ritual for Orlando during the 1920’s and early 1930’s. News of the event had been spread by hand bills and by announcements in the Market Bulletin put out by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.
Left above and right: detail from the photo of teamsters at the bottom
The Trading Begins
By noon, the streets of Orlando were full of horses, horse traders, watch and knife traders, and moonshiners. The elderly or out-of-work loafers occupied the benches on the porches of the stores owned by Charley Knight and Bill Conrad, and at the B & O Restaurant located in Moran’s Wholesale Building. These loafers had another subject of conversation to mull over as the horses snorted and pranced up and down the streets of Orlando. Indeed, it seemed that every horse in Braxton and Lewis County was present and horse manure was piling up as high as the lies that were being told by the traders of horse flesh.

Left: Plowing a hillside
Right: "Pid" Heline and horse
Left below: Veterinarian Ord Conrad

Dale Barnett, now aged 85, vividly remembers these horse trader reunions which occurred in Orlando during his youth. Dale’s father, Bill Barnett, always had three or four horses he was willing to trade “for a little boot,” and Dale was wide-eyed and all ears as the bargaining and boasting was taking place. Clate Wiant, a noted trader of horses was always present, dressed in white shirt and tie, with a clutch of horses that he would be “willing to sacrifice” for the benefit of any person he was trading with. Farmers from Rocky Fork, Sand Fork, Indian Fork and Clover Fork tried their best to convince the farmers from Flesher’s Run, Knawl’s Creek and Riffle’s Run that their horses would do well on the latter’s feed. Tom Zinn who operated the large livery stable in Burnsville was always on the look-out for good team or riding horses and was usually present at the Orlando horse-traders reunion. Mr. Turner of the Bendale section of Weston, a horse trader of note, also made his appearance with a load of horses which he would usually sell, and would return to Bendale with another load which he bought.
Knife and Watch Traders
In addition to the ceaseless horse trading which occurred during the horse traders’ reunions, the watch and knife traders were also out in force. Lloyd “Tint” Henline was perhaps the supreme trader of knives in Orlando and always had a Boker Tree Brand knife, Case XX Stag Daddy Barlow, or a Holley pen knife for sale. Uncle Zeke reported that “Tint” made 26 trades on January 15th, 1925 and was fretting because he didn’t do better. According to Dale Barnett, watch traders could be spotted because they would conspicuously pull out their pocket watches to check the time every fifteen minutes in the hope someone was looking. Railroaders were notorious about their time pieces and were always striving to find the special watch that kept time to the second.
Left: Lloyd "Tint" Henline
Right: a pocket watch, likely a railroader's pocket watch.
Below: Examples of kinds of pocket knives that were traded.pocket knives

Moonshiners and Disrepute

Not only were the streets full of farmers, horse traders, knife and watch traders, but the ubiquitous bootleggers were also fixtures at the horse traders reunions. Although Orlando was a lawless town and the nearest lawman of any jurisdiction was in Weston or Sutton, the bootleggers made their sales covertly under the Moran Wholesale Building or Lee Morrison’s poolroom. Uncle Zeke often railed about the illicit trade in John Barleycorn which took place during the horse traders reunions and about the rowdiness of the events in general. As to the quality of the horse flesh which was offered for sale, Uncle Zeke mused in his August 18, 1932 column that he was “glad that he was not as old as some of the horses that were present.” Uncle Zeke was 65 at the time. In his August 31, 1921 column Uncle Zeke showed his disdain for the horse traders reunion when he mentioned that “a peculiar looking person passed this way a few days ago. He was almost barefooted and naked. He had long hair and mis-shaven beard. I think he was president of the horse-traders reunion.” Remarking on one of his neighbors who became plastered in a moonshine bath at one of the reunions, Uncle Zeke reported that “we have become informed that a certain person known as Dan imbibed a little too freely in “happy juice” and caused no little excitement in his demonstration of manhood. We have also been informed that on his way to his place of abode, he somehow accidentally lost his pants, and that arriving at a late hour of the night, in order that he might not be discovered, he crawled into the henhouse and took up lodging in the rear of that structure. An investigation made by his brother –in-law found Dan disputing with the rooster as to who should become master of the coop, or the real cock of the walk. At this time it is claimed that he was able to cackle a little, but unable to crow.”

The Demand and the End
There was a big demand for horse flesh during the 1920’s and early 1930’s. The deplorable condition of the roads handicapped the horseless carriages which often were stuck in the mud on the roads to Burnsville or to Weston. Gas companies locating wells on the hills in the surrounding area were always in need of good teams of horses and teamsters made their way to Orlando to seek out the best matched teams. How the horse traders reunions adopted Orlando as the convention site is a mystery to present day citizens who are old enough to remember the events. However, the conventions lasted for many years before the automobile and paved roads gradually overtook the high stepping horse. While they lasted, the two-day horse traders reunions were a boon to the merchants and hotel keepers of Orlando, a time of trepidation for the wives of men who “went downtown to see horseflesh” and memorable events for all of the youngsters of Orlando.

Teamsters near Orlando

Note from David Parmer
Two significant players in the Orlando Horse Traders Reunion during the 1920’s and 1930’s were George Turner of Weston and Clayton Wiant of “above” Burnsville. Dale Barnett remembers George Turner as a large man, on the portly side, who was as good a trader as there was. A resident of Bendale, George was the son of Newton and Clarissa (Montgomery) Turner and the husband of Myrtle Turner. The only work George ever did during his lifetime was centered around farm stock. He died in 1944 at age 66 and was survived by his wife Myrtle and his daughter Clara Means.

Clate Wiant lived on the Little Kanawha River above Burnsville. He also was a stockman and farmer his entire life although he did serve as deputy assessor in Braxton County in 1949 and 1950. Clate was first married to Etta Singleton and secondly to Rosa Langford. Clate is also remembered for the white shirt and tie that he hardly ever was seen without. Clate died in 1974 at age 93. He was survived by his wife Rosa, his son Letch, also a noted stockman of “above” Burnsville, a son Vaughn of Walkersville, and a daughter Iva Lou Robinson of Pittsburgh. Clate was the son of Frank and Vesta (McHenry) Wiant.
A note of geography is in order when referring to a person living “above” Burnsville. The Little Kanawha flows basically from the east to the west through Burnsville. Rich farmland, now covered by the Burnsville Lake, flanked the river east of Burnsville. The farm families who lived in this area were known as living “above Burnsville,” or “up the river.”

Comment by Tom Jeffries
My father, Coleman Jeffries, who was born in Orlando in 1905 and lived in Orlando all of his life, was a lover of horses and always had a horse or two until his final years. He of course would have been familiar with the horse traders reunions which took place in Orlando for many years. He felt that some unscrupulous horse traders foisted broken down horses on unsuspecting buyers and that after horses became obsolete these same traders went into used car dealing.
Also, when referring to people who lived “above Burnsville,” folks around Orlando referred to them as living “over on the river.” One of the horse traders who my father Coleman Jeffries frequently mentioned who would come to the horse traders reunions in Orlando was Buck Bacorn who lived over around Knawl.
Right: Coleman Jeffries with his young cousins June and Billy Nixon.
Comment by David Parmer
“Would he lie?” Uncle Zeke reported in his June17, 1926 column on the activities which took place during the recent horse traders reunion in Orlando. “Red” McCormick of Weston took the prize in the fox chasers’ lying contest, with Bud Hamilton a close second. Lon Riffle of Burnsville won the honors in the horse traders’ reunion and “Tint” Henline presided with great ability and skill at the knife traders’ convention. The next excitement will be a prize fight between George Riffle and Uncle Zeke’s scarecrow.”

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Home Shopping

With our traditionally rough terrain and isolated location, transportation has been a huge factor in Orlando's history. The town came to be around 1900 because of a major change in the field of transportation: the railroad. When the railroad ceased stopping for passengers in the early 1940s there was a need for other arrangments. For many of the generally cash-poor residents, an auto was not considered a sound investment. Even with a car or truck, before I-79 and the general upgrading of the roads, if you had to go in to Weston you left right after breakfast and unless you planned to eat in town, you hurried to get back for a late dinner [served at we call lunchtime today]. That is, if you owned a car of truck.
Left: Gid Skinner in the 1950s was still driving his mule and buckboard into Orlando from his place on Clover Fork.
Right: This was taken in the northwest corner of greater Orlando, in Gilmer County, in the 1930s.

by David Parmer

Turn on any television today, in any place, and you can find everything you ever dreamed of on the Home Shopping Network. Pick up your phone and place a call, or go online and place your order and in seven to ten days, you can have that genuine diamond, chain saw, or whatever it was that caught your fancy and you couldn’t live without.

Dial back the clock and leaf back through the calendar to the 1940’s and 1950’s and you can still find an older home shopping network, serving the households of Orlando, Clover Fork, and all up and down Oil Creek and Posey Run. There was no need to go to the store because the store came to you.

Oven Gold Bakery
Once a week during the early 1950’s, a van with Oven Gold Bakery emblazoned on its side made an appearance in Orlando. Not only could you buy a loaf of “store-bought” bread but there were other goodies to delight the sweet tooth waiting inside the door. Donuts, apricot-filled bars, bismarcks, and white cross buns were exotic favorites and were a change from the delicious but ordinary chocolate cakes and apple pies which usually filled the larder.

Weston Laundry and Cleaners
Another truck which made a weekly appearance in Orlando was Weston Laundry and Cleaners. In the days before polyester slacks and jackets, this dry cleaning business located in Weston was quite busy and served Orlando well. The 1950’s Orlando family dressed to go to church, to the funeral parlor, to PTA, to Weston or Burnsville to shop, to a neighbor’s house to visit, or even to Brown’s Store. Even the poorest of families made a point to dress stylishly and presented themselves in properly cleaned clothing. This writer recalls while growing up in Burnsville, the Weston Cleaners made weekly calls to Burnsville homes, as did dry cleaning companies from Glenville and Gassaway. The household which had clothing to be picked up for cleaning displayed a sign which was located in a window and visible to the dry cleaning truck driver.

W. E. Marple Company
The largest general store in Burnsville during the 1930’s through the 1950’s was the W. E. Marple Company located on Main Street. This store enjoyed a large trade with the outlying communities of Orlando, Copen, Hyre’s Run, and in the Little Kanawha River communities above and below Burnsville. Bill Wiant, grandson of W. E. Marple, advised the writer that, while a student he worked for his grandfather’s store and made deliveries of groceries and farm-related goods to customers in Orlando and on Oil Creek. Orlando residents were on the same telephone line with Burnsville and it was not a long distance call to place an order for groceries with the Burnsville store. In those days, most families were a one-automobile family at best and many wives did not drive. If the family vehicle was being used to get to a place of employment, a grocery store which delivered groceries was a valued service.

Parmer’s General Store
Another Burnsville store which delivered groceries and farm items to Orlando customers was the Parmer Store at the end of the iron bridge on Depot Street in Burnsville. This store was chock full of kegs of horseshoe nails, cattle and hog feed, salt blocks and enough fly paper to plaster the earth. Sewing notions of all kinds, such as thread, needles and fabric, were available as was a full line of similarly-appearing brown shoes and clothing preferred by farmers. E. J. Cox, the co-owner of this store, was well-known in Orlando as principal of the Orlando School and the Posey Run School, and was the owner of a farm at the mouth of McCauley Run.

Above left is Parmer's Store, Eolin Cox is to the right.

The Blue Goose Bus Line
If you needed something from a Burnsville or Weston store, Paul Knight of the Blue Goose line was always accommodating. If there was cream to take to market in Weston, again Paul Knight was your man.

Catalog Sales
Few today remember the catalog store, National Bellas Hess. Although this national merchandising store went into bankruptcy in the 1970’s, at one time it rivaled Sears & Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, and Spiegel’s as a leader in catalog sales. Shoes, prom dresses, shotguns, musical instruments, watches and whatever else could be ordered and received promptly by the Orlando shopper. According to her granddaughter, Barbara Jeffries Parmer, Bellas Hess was the catalog of choice of Clora Henline who “swore by it.”

Right: a page from the National Bellas Hess 1920 catalog
Below, left and right: Mc Ness products

Local Dealers
McNess Products
In a classified ad in the Braxton Democrat in the August 1st, 1929 issue, under “Male Help Wanted,” the McNess Company of Freeport, Illinois solicited a “reliable man to run the McNess business in Braxton County.” Suggesting earnings of $8 to $12 per day, the prospective McNess salesman did not require any “capital investment or experience.” A McNess man frequently made calls in Orlando, mostly during times of good weather, taking orders for all sorts of household goods such as baking pans and Corningware. The last two items were purchased by Helen Jeffries of Oil Creek from Mr. Curry, the McNess salesman in the 1960’s. The McNess line also included pie fillings, Jello puddings and spices.

Porter's Pain King Salve
Clora Henline of Orlando was a local salesperson for Pain King salve, a very popular ointment for scrapes, cuts and bruises, during the 1930’s. Clora kept a trunk of Pain King salve for sale for the many residents of Orlando who were regular customers. A story about Pain King salve was posted earlier on this website.

This writer when aged eleven or twelve tried his hand at selling Cloverene salve, a competitior of Pain King. Receiving a shipment in the mail of two dozen tins of the “wonderful elixir,” sales in Burnsville proved brisk and the shipment was soon sold out.

Drummers, Pack Peddlers and Salesmen
Lis Thomas
Into the early 20th century, pack peddlers scoured the hills and hollows, bringing all sorts of novelties to Orlando housewives, ranging from underclothes to razor blades, dresses and perfumes. Lis Thomas, a Syrian peddler, was perhaps the last such pack peddler who served Orlando customers during the early 1950’s.

Right: a pack peddler

“Would You Like to Own a Victrola?”
Dale Barnett
recalls during the pre-Depression days in Orlando that a door to door salesman sold a victrola to his parents, Bill and Marie Barnett. Dale believes that the salesman stayed at the Dolan Hotel while he was visiting the families of Orlando and enticing them with the melodious sounds of Al Jolson. Since the victrolas were hand-cranked, there was no need of electricity to enjoy the music of the day.

While a teenager, this writer was sitting in the Burnsville Taxi Stand when Jimmie Doc Henline of Orlando came into the taxi stand to get a cab home. While the cab waited, Jimmie Doc ordered a half-dozen taxi stand hot dogs to take with him. While Jimmie was waiting on his hot dogs, Charlie Alkire of Clover Fork also came into the taxi stand to get a cab home. Becoming aware that Jimmie was waiting on hot dogs, Charlie also placed a “to-go” order for two 15 cent hotdogs. Since this was the late 1950’s and Chinese food was unheard of, at least to this writer, the taxi stand hot dogs were the next best thing. Jimmie and Charlie probably anticipated the enjoyment of the famous taxi stand hot dogs as they shared a taxi ride up Oil Creek.

We don't have photo of old Charlie Alkire, but to the left is Jimmie Doc Henline.
Right: As this ad suggests, Grit was a part of rural culture in the first half of the 20th century.

The Grit
The Grit was a popular newspaper in Orlando in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The classified section of the newspaper offered all sorts of things for sale. Coon hunters could buy the best dog on the continent and fox chasers could buy the fastest runners of the wily fox. Farmers could buy chicks and those in need of fancy shoes could buy patent leather.

Shop at Home and Save Days
are Long Gone
In the early part of the 20th century, private enterprise was more vigorous and there were many opportunities for the industrious person to make a living going door-to-door selling products. This was a convenience for the Orlando household without the transportation to go to Weston or Burnsville to shop. With the advent of two cars in each household and an interstate a-waiting, it is now easy to shop fifty miles away and be back home for lunch. And, with the smiling girls and smooth talking gents on the home shopping network on the television, the days of the engaging door-to door salesmen are long gone.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The 3rd Orlando Reunion

Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, September 5, 2009.
The 3rd annual Orlando Community Reunion was held on Saturday, September 5th at the Jared Mace property in downtown Orlando. President Marilyn Posey welcomed everyone to the reunion and then
Asked for a moment of silence in memory of Dave Riffle, one of Orlando’s own, who lost his life in a tragic accident a few weeks prior. Mr. Bob Mitchell, of the Oil Creek Methodist Church delivered the invocation for the group. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Peggy Donaldson Smith, our House of Delegate representative. Games began @ 10:30 under the direction
of Nycole Wymer, activity director. Games played were hillbilly golf, corn hole, tire tennis and oil pan golf. Mrs. Smith and her mother Gerry Donaldson made their way to the game area to be the first at showing their gaming skills. Mrs. Posey outlined the days activities and announced that a door prize would be drawn every hour. However, due to the numerous prizes donated by businesses mainly in Braxton and Lewis County, they were able to give away 8 every hour. Sandy Burgett Conrad of Sandy’s Designs, once again created and donated a one of a kind hand cut glass vase commemorating this years reunion. Her donation each year helps to generate funds for the organization by auctioning the piece off to the highest bidder. New this year was the crowing of a King and Queen of the reunion. Each attendee was provided the opportunity to vote for their choice of a man/woman, who would hold that position for one year. Names submitted were required to be present at the reunion. Mrs. Ruth Gay and Mr. Raymond Posey were this years winners. Mr. Larry Gay and Mrs. Peggy Posey Ramey were asked and honored to crown their parents as the Queen and King. Commemorative votives were available for a small donation. There are a few available. If you would like one, contact any officer/Board Member. A pamphlet containing stories taken from the website created/owned by Mrs. Donna Gloff of Michigan, was compiled by Board Member Ann Willey. Mrs. Donna Gloff also displayed a time line of events in Orlando, WV in respect to events that occurred elsewhere in the United States dating 1780-1940. Mrs. Gloff also provided a tri-fold brochure with noted points of interest containing pictures of Orlando in the past. President Marilyn Posey and her cousin, Board Member Charlie Cole, known throughout the county as “ Slim Quinton Gospel” paid musical tribute to Orlando and her people with a song they composed containing memorable times in the “ olden days of Orlando”. The song will be recorded at a later date and will be made available. Mrs. Posey also sang a song written by her father, Harold Cole, 79 years ago, titled “ Chicken Rooster Blues”.
Special presentations were then made to individuals who were key instruments in forming this organization, Mr. George Blake and Mrs.
Pat Reckhart. Although they did not attend, their plaques will be presented at a later date. Mrs. Donna Gloff was honored for “ keeping Orlando alive” through her website and Mr. Jared Mace for allowing the use of his property for the reunion. Mr. Lonnie Ramsey, of the Orlando Baptist Church delivered the wonderful blessing for our noon time meal. After lunch, all remaining officers and board members were introduced and thanked for their hard work in making the reunion possible. Entertainment was provided by Buckhannon Mountain Bluegrass.
The 4th annual reunion will be held on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend in 2010, same location.
Those attending were: Mary/Frank Curtis, Donna/Davis Gloff, Ruth Gay, Jen Jefferies, Nick Wymer, Carl/Rena Bee, Judy/Brady Workman, Ken/Brenda Tolliver, Peggy Donaldson Smith, Gerry Donaldson, Bob Mitchell, Nina Smarr Craig, Clell Smarr, Larry/Nancy Gay, Dave/Barbara Jeffries Parmer, Helen Jefferies, Joe/Denise Bragg, Mary Alice Ryan, Sam Kochenour, John/Margaret Armentrout, Forrest/Mildred McNemar, Raymond/Sue Posey, Bob Pumphrey, Tom Pumphrey, John/Joyce Farley, Steve/Carol Barnett, Bill Beckner, Gene Parrish, Bill Barnett, Edna Skinner Mawell, April/Jessica Golden, Hannah Kelly, Rose Caltrider, Bertha Conrad Ratcliff, Sarah/Anita Hickman, Kenneth Youmans, Jo Skinner, Darrell Skinner, Kate Posey, Lonnie Ramsey, Douglas Foster, Lisa Mero, James/Sondra/Ben Dean. Brittany Lewis, Fred/Doris Bee, David/Toni Wymer, Donna Skinner, John Watson, Joan Doyle Stiltmer, Ethel Doyle, Michelle Smith, Nathan Lewis, Bob Rush, Jean Lantz, Mina Luzader, Shirley Williams, Junior Strader, Jared/Becky Conley, James/Laura Eagle, Melanie Conrad, Amanda/Quinton/Brayden Pullin, Bob/Barbara Fletcher, Janet Allen, Wayne/Jan Morgan, Carla Conley, Nina Hardman, Opal Hall, Bud Henline, Earl/Martha Edgell, Randy/Carol Strader, Bill Mick, John Moran, Mike Mick, Ernie Posey, Edsel/Norma Skinner, Darrell/Betty Blake Crites, Richard Strader, Peggy Nicholson, Charles Bennett, Charles/Edna Skinner, Claude Eata, Rita Ray, Doris Lowther, Arlie Cooper, Elden Pullin Jr., Zachary/Shayanne Canfield, Beluah Pullin, Alvin Conley, Jean Stilwell, Anita Scarff, Brandon Pullin, Brooklyn Redden, Gary Riffle, Willis Burrough, Denver/Denzil Claypoole, Don/Sue Brown, Jerry/Betty Cleveland, David/Gail Brown, Kirk Riffle, Pat Rowan, Terra Rowan, Codey Rowan, Kylie Rowan, Kyran Rowan, Sonny Wymer, Dochie Wymer, Nycole Wymer, Ann Willey, Jerry Wilson, Dana Ramey, Charlie Cole, Peggy Ramey and Marilyn Posey. Any person attending whose name is not listed may not have registered.
Thank you and see you next year.
Orlando Reunion
Pres. Marilyn Posey
V-Pres. Dochie Wymer
Sec/Treas- Peggy Ramey
Board Members: Sonny Wymer, Charlie Cole, Jerry Wilson, Nycole Wymer, Ann Willey, Dana Ramey

Thanks to Rose (Strader) Caltrider and Davis Gloff for these photos of the 2009 Orlando reunion.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

The John Marshall Scarff Family of Orlando

by David Parmer

With a ball rack in his hand, Walter Scarff looked on disapprovingly as Joe Pardue slammed the cue stick into the cue ball and sent it careening toward the tightly racked nine balls. The yellowish white cue ball smeared with blue chalk glanced off the triangular mass, flew off the table and ricocheted among the chairs lined up against the wall. Walter knew what to expect when the ham-handed Pardue walked through the door of the Crutchfield Pool Room in Burnsville. But Walter was a quiet man and spoke with his eyes. There was no laughter in the crowded room and all eyes, including Pardue’s, sneaked a peek in Walter’s direction as the ball continued to bounce from chair leg to chair leg. Walter bent over, deftly retrieved the ball from its erratic path, walked to the end of the table and, unsmilingly, placed the ball on the tight green felt. No words were spoken and Pardue meekly took a seat against the wall and mumbled his apologies to no one in particular. The remainder of game was played in silence and solemn decorum, in deference to the steely visage of Walter Scarff.

Walter was one of John Marshall "Zach" and Martha Scarff's nine children raised on Rag Run.

Left, above: On the right is Walter, hamming it up with hi brother Tom.

John Marshall Scarff and Martha (Blake) Scarff
John Marshall Scarff was born on Oil Creek to Walter M. Scarff and Jane (Ford) Scarff during the final year of the Civil War. John Marshall was the sixth child of the family. According to the 1860 census, most of the older children were born on Hackers Creek of Lewis County. His father, Walter M. Scarff, was born in Ohio and was the namesake for John Marshall’s youngest son Walter who is mentioned above. It is believed that the senior Walter Scarff was a laborer who worked on the construction of the lunatic asylum in Weston. With the coming of the Civil War, all work halted on the construction of the asylum, and the senior Walter Scarff turned to farming for a living. According to the 1870 census, Walter M. Scarff is listed as a farmer on Oil Creek in what was then known as Battelle Township, but later renamed Collins Settlement District.

The wife of John Marshall Scarff, the former Martha Alice Blake, was born in 1869 to Joseph E. and Elizabeth Jane (Sands) Blake. Among Martha’s siblings were the notable P. N. Blake, known as “Uncle Zeke,” a columnist for central West Virginia newspapers, Francis M. Blake, prominent Orlando postmaster and businessman, and C. V. Blake, rural mailman.

bottom row: John Marshall Scarff, Martha Alice Scarff, Walter Scarff, Virgil Scarff.
top row: Thomas Marshall Scarff, Necie Davis, Tina Riffle, Iva Oldaker, Herbert Scarff, Clarence Scarff.

Nine children were born to John and Martha. There were five sons of the family. Clarence, the oldest son born in 1886, married Angaletta Davis of Burnsville. Thomas married Georgia Ercel Gay, the daughter of George Gay and Lucinda (Freeman) Gay; Virgil married Ruby Smith and Lucy Gay Rittenhouse; and Herbert married Clarice Richards. The daughters of John Marshall and Martha Alice Scarff were Tina, Ivy, Necie and Dorothy. Tina married Ebbert Riffle; Ivy married the congenial Elbert D. “Red” Oldaker, the long-time janitor of the Burnsville School; Necie married W. L. Davis, who was the brother of Clarence’s wife; and Dorothy married the then-railroader Everett Posey, son of Lloyd Posey and Maggie (Clark) Posey of Clover Fork.

The Sons of J. M. and Martha Scarff
Clarence Scarff
Saw Filer
Clarence, the oldest of the children of John Marshall and Martha (Blake) Scarff, came of age during the halcyon days of railroading in Orlando. Clarence however found his first non-farm related employment in Burnsville as a saw sharpener, or “filer,” for the timber company of Bender & Conrad. During the first decade of the 20th century, Burnsville was the center of several timber-related companies, and many Orlando area boys who were not interested in farming, went there for employment.

It was in Burnsville that Clarence met his future wife, Angaletta Davis, daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Nicholson) Davis. Their children, Eula Pauline, Regina Grace, and Mary Alice were born in Burnsville in 1911, 1913 and 1916 respectively.

Left: Angaletta (David) and Clarence Scarff
Right: Clarence and Angeletta in Burnsville
Left below: Pauline, Clarence, Mary Alice on lap, Regina Grace and Angeletta.

Like many of his Orlando counterparts, Clarence later became employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and moved his family to Orlando to a house on the hill behind what was later the store of J. W. Conrad. Like many railroad employees during the days of few safety rules, Clarence was seriously injured in a work-related accident during the mid 1920’s. In his May 13th, 1926 column, Uncle Zeke reported that Clarence received $13,100 as a settlement from the railroad for his injuries. A promising railroad career was thus concluded for Clarence and his focus thereafter was as a garage-man, merchant and entrepreneur.

Garage Man and Grocer
According to Uncle Zeke, by the summer of 1926, Clarence and his cousin Wade Blake of Rag Run had teamed up and opened the Home Garage in Orlando and were doing repairs and selling oil and fixtures. In his August 26, 1926 column, Uncle Zeke reported that “Scarff & Blake are putting up some kind of building at Orlando. I think they call it a ga-rodge.” The garage was located on the western bank of Oil Creek near the Oil Creek Bridge. By mid 1928, according to Uncle Zeke, Clarence had begun to sell groceries in connection with his garage. At that time, Orlando had four storekeepers selling groceries: J. W. Conrad, Charley Knight, Lee Skinner and Clarence Scarff. The Depression and competition however took a toll on the Scarff garage and grocery store. In July 1931, the Scarff garage was sold at public auction to Mike Moran for $200.

General Handyman

Selling groceries and repairing the new-fangled automobiles were not the only things that kept Clarence busy. According to Uncle Zeke’s report, he also helped build, along with O. M. Stutler, a home for Doc Henline, did carpentry work for Claud Mick, did cabinet work, and plumbed houses for gas, including Uncle Zeke’s. It would appear that Clarence was a jack-of-all-trades in earning a living.

Off to Weston and a Final Trip to Orlando
In 1934, Clarence saw greener pastures in Weston and turned his entrepreneurial endeavors in that direction. Along with his daughter Grace, he opened a grocery store in the Kitsonville section of Weston. Clarence and Grace operated this store, called Scarff’s Grocery, for many years. He died in 1967 and his wife Angaletta died the following year. They were returned to Orlando and buried in the Orlando Cemetery.

Clarence and Angaletta's Daughter Pauline Scarff: “Rosie the Riveter” When the World War II demand for fighting men had seriously depleted the civilian workforce in critical war-related industries, Uncle Sam called upon the American women to ditch the aprons and pick up riveters and welders. One of the Orlando women to answer the patriotic call was Pauline Scarff, the daughter of Clarence Scarff. According to Carol Bennett of Weston, her mother Pauline worked for American Aircraft, a Goodyear Company, in Akron as a riveter. This plant manufactured the FG-1 Corsair fighter planes for the United States Navy and Marine Corps. During the war, this plant turned out 4006 Corsairs, some of which were fixed wing and some with fold-up wings. Pauline’s job for American Aircraft was to rivet the wings of the planes.

Left: Pauline with cousin Charlotte Riffle
Right: Rosie the Riveter, the World War II heroic icon acknowledgeing and celebrating women's strength and contributions to the war effort.

Tom Scarff

Thomas Marshall Scarff
, the second oldest of the sons of John Marshall and Martha Alice (Blake) Scarff, was born in 1896. Tom was one of the lucky townsmen who posed for a picture for photographer extraordinaire Lee Morrison which recorded the visit of an itinerant bear trainer and his bears to Orlando during in the early 20th century. A few years later he joined the American Army during World War I. Tom lived on Rag Run during his early working years and was for a time employed as a carpenter for the B & O Railroad. In 1925, he married Georgia Ersel Gay, daughter of George and Lucinda (Freeman) Gay of Oil Creek. Around 1930, Tom landed employment in Weston with the predecessor of the West Virginia Water Company which proved to a steadier job than railroading. He worked many years for that company until his retirement. He died in Fairmont in 1968 at age 72; his wife Georgia Ersel died the following year at age 66. Both are buried in the Masonic Cemetery at Weston.

Left: Tom and Ersel (Gay) Scarff
Right: Tom Scarff is the first person on the left. Dick Skinner is next to him. See The Bear Trainer for more about this photo.

Herbert Henry Scarff
Herbert Henry Scarff was the third son of John Marshall and Martha Alice (Blake) Scarff. Born in 1899, Herbert lived on Rag Run during his young adulthood.

A Daughter Recalls
According to his daughter Helen (Scarff) Wine of Bragg Run, Herbert began working for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad when he was 18 and retired when he was 65. He worked both as a brakeman and as a conductor. Because of the nature of his employment, Herbert lived for years in railroad YMCA’s or hotel rooms on the end of the passenger lines, but eventually settled down in Gassaway.

Helen also recalls that her dad had an uncanny connection to the number 13. He was born on the 13th of March, was married on the 13th of December, retired on the 13th day of the month, and died on the 13th of September. Helen also recalls that her father was very generous and a humorous man who loved practical jokes. She remembers that he “could take a joke as well as dish them out.” He was also the first man Helen ever saw wear short pants, unusual garb during the 1940’s. “Sometimes he would wear his short pants and don a red wig and go to the grocery store. This always attracted quite a bit of attention,” said Helen.

Herbert married the former Clarice (Toms) Richards of Gassaway. Herbert and Clarice cared for his mother, Martha Alice (Blake) Scarff, during her later years and she died at their home in 1951.

Herbert’s only child, Helen (Scarff) Wine, graduated from Burnsville High School in 1947. She is married to James Lee Wine. Their daughter Sondra is married to Orlando native Larry Casto, an outstanding football player for Burnsville High School of the mid 1960’s. Larry was a consensus all-state tailback for the Burnsville gridiron team. Their son Michael, a graduate of West Virginia Tech, works for Tony Stewart Racing of Nascar as a jackman.

Herbert died in Gassaway in 1973 at the age of 74 and is buried at Orlando.

Walter Scarff

Right: Walter in a dress with his mother Martha, then Tom, his dad J. M., Herbert, Ersel Tom's wife) on his right and Gladys (Henry's wife) and Tina on his left.

As the story that begins this entry says, Walter Scarff managed the Crutchfield Pool Room in Burnsville for many years. Prior to managing the pool room, Walter had worked in the B & O Tie Yard at Burnsville. Walter and his wife Anita lived near the mouth of Oil Creek at Burnsville in a house they bought in 1945 from Leonard Lindsay. Born in 1906, Walter was the youngest son of John Marshall and Martha (Blake) Scarff of Rag Run. Walter grew up in the Orlando area and attended the Lewis County Orlando School. In 1940, he married Anita Stewart, the daughter of Robert and Biddie (Skinner) Stewart of Cogar, formerly of Orlando. Anita’s materal grandmother Permelia (Godfrey) Skinner was the daughter of D. N. “Newt” and Mary Jane (Skinner) Godfrey of Orlando. Anita worked for many years at the Burnsville Variety Store and later at the label factory near Weston. The construction of I-79 during the late 1970’s took the Walter and Anita Scarff home in Burnsville and they moved to upper Oil Creek near Arnold. Walter died in 1986 at age 80 while he was mowing weeds with a scythe at his home. He is buried at Orlando.

Virgil Scarff
Virgil, the fourth son of John Marshall and Martha Alice (Blake) Scarff, was born in 1902.

Virgil lived on Rag Run until around 1934 when he moved to Clover Fork. For a short time, Virgil also lived at Lumberport. He moved shortly afterward to Akron during World War II and worked at the Firestone rubber plant. His daughter Edna Helmick of Weston recalls that she attended school in Akron during the 7th and 8th grades and that the family returned to Weston the following year and her father resumed work as a house painter and carpenter.

Virgil married the former Ruby Lee Smith and became the father of six children, Edna, June, Larry, twin girls Jean and Joyce, and Melanie. Virgil’s daughter June died young at the age of 18 and his son Larry tragically drowned in 1957 at the age of 18 while swimming in a pond. Larry had been a radio announcer for WHAW in Weston.

Edna recalls that her father was a very religious man. His second wife was the widow Lucy Gay Rittenhouse whom he married in 1969. Virgil died at age 71 in 1973 and is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Weston.

The Daughters of John Marshall and Martha Alice Scarff

Ivy (Scarff) Oldaker
Iva Oldaker always had a nice smile and a kind word when this writer knocked on the Oldaker door in Burnsville to collect for the Charleston Gazette newspaper during the mid-1950’s. On my paper route, some ladies of the house seemed a little grouchy on collection day so it was always a pleasant respite to knock on the Oldaker door. I always thought that Mrs. Oldaker reminded me a lot of Mr. Oldaker, or “Red,” as he was called. Elbert D. "Red" Oldaker always seemed to have a smile on his puffy cheeks as he pushed the playground mud with a push broom across the school hallways. He never seemed to ignore any student as they passed by him, and always had a kind word, or smiling glance. I could never imagine Mr. or Mrs. Oldaker exchanging an unkind with each other, or anybody else for that matter. The Oldakers had one child, a daughter Evelyn who was born in 1914. She married Maple Townsend and lived in Clarksburg. Iva passed away at age 86 in 1997. She was buried in the Orlando Cemetery next to her husband Red who died at age 85 in 1976.
Right: Iva/Ivy, Elbert and their daughter Evelyn Oldaker
Dorothy (Scarff) Posey
When Dorothy Scarff, the youngest of the Scarff children of John Marshall and Martha Alice Scarff, married Evert Posey, son of Lloyd and Maggie (Clark) Posey of Clover Fork, in 1929, Evert was working for the B & O Railroad. During the Depression, railroading was an “on again, off again” occupation. Usually it seemed that the younger workers were more “off” than “on.” Evert sought more steady employment. The coal mines around Morgantown always seemed to lack for men willing to go underground, so that is where Evert found his lifetime occupation. He worked many years for Dunkard Mining of Point Marion. Evert and Dorothy however never forgot their Orlando roots. Carol Posey Johnson recalls that her Uncle Evert and Aunt Dorothy, bringing food,came visiting to Clover Fork every Thanksgiving. Evert loved to deer hunt and Dorothy loved to visit with Carol’s parents, Dee and Goldie Posey. Carol remembers her Aunt Dorothy as a very pleasant guest and her Clover Fork relatives always looked forward to the Thanksgiving visits. Dorothy’s daughter Betty Powers of Morgantown recalls that her mother and her mother’s sisters were all great cooks, loved to bake pies, can garden produce and set delicious tables of food.

Dorothy and Evert were the parents of seven children, three daughters and four sons. Dorothy died in 1995 at Morgantown at age 85 and was the last of the children of John Marshall and Martha Alice (Blake) Scarff to pass away. Evert preceded Dorothy in death in 1983. They are buried in the East Oak Grove Cemetery in Morgantown.

. Tina (Scarff) Riffle
He had picked several quarts of the strawberries he loved but a failed heart would allow Ebert Shiloh Riffle to pick no more. Eb died in his strawberry patch in Orlando in 1960 at age 71. Tommy Skinner, son of Vaden and Opal Skinner, had spotted Eb lying prone amongst his strawberries and ran to Brown’s Store for help but his fate was already determined. Eb was buried in the Orlando Cemetery.

Right: Tina, Eb, Lynn and Tut Riffle.

Tina Scarff married her neighbor Eb Riffle, son of John Scott Riffle and Mary Ann (Skinner) Riffle, who lived on Oil Creek, not far from the mouth of Rag Run. Tina, who was just a few months older than Eb, attended school with him in Orlando and had known him all of her life. According to family observers, both Tina and Eb were independent–minded individuals and sometimes did not see eye-to-eye.

According to Helen (Scarff ) Wine, her Aunt Tina was her favorite aunt and was a very loving and protective person. Helen would frequently stay with her when she was young and enjoyed each opportunity. Tina’s grandson Tom Riffle recalls his grandmother with great affection. Tom particularly remembers that his grandmother was an outstanding cook and her Sunday dinners were legend to the family and much enjoyed by his Scarff uncles, Tom, Walter, Herbert and Clarence. Another frequent Sunday dinner guest at his grandmother’s dinner table was Bill Beckner of Orlando.

Tina died in 1976 and is buried in the Orlando Cemetery.

Necie (Scarff) Davis
Born in 1893, Necie was the 3rd daughter born to John Marshall and Martha Alice Blake Scarff. Like her siblings she attended school in Orlando at the Lewis County School. Necie married Walter Davis, the brother of Angeletta Davis Scarff who was married to Necie’s oldest brother Clarence. She and her husband lived in Webster County most of their married life. Her husband was employed as a coal miner in Webster County. Tom Riffle, son of Eb Riffle and Tina Scarff Riffle, recalls that his Aunt Necie usually would come to Orlando every Decoration Day in order to visit the Orlando Cemetery.
Right: Walter, Freda Mae, Necie and Bernie Davis

Necie and her husband had three daughters, Freda Mae, Elouise and Bernadette. Helen Scarff Wine recalls her Aunt Necie as a fun-loving person, as were her other Scarff family aunts. Helen recalls spending a night many years ago with her Aunt Necie who lived at Cherry Falls, just outside Webster Springs.

Walter Davis died in 1962 and his wife Necie Victoria (Scarff) Davis died age 87 in 1980. Both are buried in the Orlando Cemetery.

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Comment 1 by Dale Barnett
I recall when I was a boy I would frequently see Clarence Scarff and other older Orlando residents sitting on the porches of the various buildings in downtown Orlando. I recall that Clarence chewed tobacco and one of the philosophical discourses among the Orlando sages was “what was the best chewing tobacco?” Clarence was certain that his brand was the best of the lot. There seemed to be a lot of serious discussion about the merits of the various brands.
Another favorite topic of discussion by Clarence and the other participants was the worthiness of a new locomotive engine put into service recently by the Baltimore and Ohio which altered the normal up and down stroke of the pistons. This discussion was without end.
Comment 2 by Dale Barnett
I remember that Zach Scarff was a dyed –in-the-wool Republican. On election night he would come into Orlando and monitor the poll proceedings. If results didn’t conform to his expectations, he would become quite agitated and go home mad.

Comment 3 by David Parmer
The daughters of Clarence and Angeletta Scarff were Pauline, Grace, and Mary Alice. In 1931, Marie and Bill Barnett became the parents of twin babies, a boy and a girl. It was not an easy birth for Marie and it was touch and go whether the infants would live. The new-born twins required around-the-clock care which lasted better than a month. The Scarff sisters who were 19, 17 and 15 years of age respectively, provided much of the late night tending of the twins. Dale Barnett recalls the Scarff sisters were very attentive and caring. Eventually, the twin boy died but the twin girl, named Betty Jean, survived.

Comment 3. by David Parmer
In the very earliest references to the first run above Orlando flowing into Oil Creek from the right, the name of “Crooked Run of Oil Creek” is given in deeds of record in the County Clerk’s Office of Lewis County. Today, this run is known as “Rag Run” and it is designated as such on current maps of the area.

During the early part of the 20th century when local newspapers such as the Weston Independent, the Weston Democrat, the Burnsville Kanawha Banner and the Burnsville Enterprise began running local columns written by local correspondents, it became vogue by the correspondents to create interest in their columns by “livening up” their news items with levity. For example, P. N. Blake, who wrote under the nom de plume of “Uncle Zeke,” for a number of local newspapers as early as 1905, began calling the area between Orlando and McCauley Run as “Buzzardtown.” Uncle Zeke also referred to other nearby geographical areas by humorous names. For example, Uncle Zeke referred to an area in the Knawls Creek watershed as “Booger Hole.” On occasion, Uncle Zeke referred to Orlando as “Skinnerville.” An early family residing on Rag Run was the John Marshall Scarff family, whose matron was Martha Alice (Blake) Scarff. She also happened to be Uncle Zeke’s sister. Uncle Zeke’s earliest reference to “Crooked Run of Oil Creek” was “Rag Run” rather than “Crooked Run.” This lead may have been followed by the local residents who may have preferred the name “Rag Run” instead of “Crooked Run of Oil Creek.” The fact that there were two other “Crooked Runs” in Lewis County may have accelerated the adoption of the “Rag Run” name.

Comment 4. by David Parmer
Most every family in Orlando could post a long list of nicknames which were given to family members. Uncle Zeke gave us his list of nicknames in a previous story on this webpage. To add to the list of nicknames for Orlando residents, we look to the Scarff family. John Marshall Scarff was known by his contemporaries as “Zach” Scarff. When Parker B. Scarff died in 1924, his obituary listed his brothers among his survivors. There was no mention of “John Marshall Scarff” but “Zach” Scarff was listed as a surviving brother. This writer asked “Zach’s” daughter in law, Anita Scarff, and his granddaughter, Carol Bennett, about the nickname, but neither knew its origin.